May 09: course review

May 09: course review

It’s always lovely to get good feedback about my classes – here is a recent review on BathMums from my April course.

Course review Bath Mums







April 08: Interview with Bath Mums

April 08: Interview with Bath Mums

I recently was asked by Bath Mums to talk about Baby Massage through an interview feature – it was launched today on their website and here it is, click the image to view….enjoy the read…


April 05: Which massage oil to use for baby massage

April 05: Which massage oil to use for baby massage

13889077_mlIt’s an important discussion in my class, and a question many people ask – what massage oil should you use to massage your baby?

The IAIM recommend cold pressed oils and unscented vegetable oils. In my class I recommend cold pressed, unscented fruit and vegetable oils such as safflower, sunflower or fractionated coconut oil. There are many reasons why and here they are:

  • They are non-toxic and safe if ingested
  • They can contain beneficial nutrients, such as vitamin E, which are good for the skin
  • They contain nutrients that help prevent rancidity
  • These oils are less slippery when applied, so it’s safer to handle your baby after application
  • They have no added scent, so infants can still enjoy their parents’ natural smell, and are not overwhelmed

Many manufactured massage oils contain petroleum that blocks up skin pores and doesn’t allow the skin to breathe, they can also create skin irritations and rashes. Use an oil to massage your baby that you would eat on a salad – one that is fresh, natural, pure and unscented!

Further reading: IAIM research into Baby Massage Oil – Olive Oil

April 03: Bath Life Magazine

April 03: Bath Life Magazine

Bath Life March 2015

March 29: ‘Buddy Up’ article

March 29: ‘Buddy Up’ article

I had a lovely mention in Bath Parent Magazine this month about my ‘Buddy Up’ service which is designed for mums who find it hard to get childcare and want a massage. Read all about it here.. 

The Bath Parent 2015 The Bath Parent 2015

March 31: Gallery images

March 31: Gallery images

March 26: Review of Dads massage session

March 26: Review of Dads massage session


March 17: NCT Baby Café free taster session

March 17: NCT Baby Café free taster session

I will be at the NCT New Oriel Hall Baby Café on Tuesday 17th March at 1.30pm offering free baby massage taster sessions.

Come along and find out more about baby massage, try a few strokes and chat to me about any questions you may have about baby massage. Look forward to seeing you all there!